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August 21, 2009


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In BT, Volcanohunter writes that Sascha in returning to the USA. Hoping, at ABT

Let's hope he's back on the team, because we need him. That trade to the Dutch was about as hard for Haglund to take as when the Reds traded away 1st baseman Tony Perez (Mr. Clutch) back in 1977.

Haglund just noted that ABT has planned their trip to Bejing when Hallberg, Carreno and Gomes are all out dancing as Kings, presumably Corella is in Spain with his company. So, who would they have left to do Basilio? Cornejo, maybe Stiefel, maybe Beloserkovsky, and MAYBE Radetsky.

Haglund hopes Radetsky held out for a principal contract, if in fact he is on his way back. It's unimaginable to think that he would give up this season's leads in DNB's new Don Q and Bayadere to come home to do soloist work. He's got several Albrechts behind him now, so here's hoping that we see him cast with Stella as Giselle.

Radetsky has returned! The ABT website posted this (http://abt.org/insideabt/news_display.asp?News_ID=280) just today. As to why he's coming back, it's not clear (perhaps something to do with his wife, the lovely Ms. Stella Abrera).

The Awkward Swan wonders why Mr. McKenzie has taken him back as a soloist though. Perhaps Haglund has some insight?

Hi there, Awkward Swan!

This is good news, isn't it? Haglund has no insight as to why McKenzie brought Radetsky back as a soloist instead of a principal. Hopefully, he'll be given major principal roles. He's certainly more qualified AND more deserving than the other male soloist who has gotten leading principal roles in Le Corsaire, Romeo and Juliet, etc. We'll just have to wait and see if McKenzie continues to push marginal and boring dancers at us who get opportunities for no reason other than they remind McKenzie of himself OR if he gives Radetsky the chances he deserves.

The Awkward Swan couldn't agree more. That Mr. Radetsky is being relegated to the same rank as the patchy Mr. Stearns is absolutely absurd.

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