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December 11, 2009


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I'm glad you like the new website for Christmas - we made it for Kenneth's 80th birthday!

Thank you for your enthusiasm.

While surfing your site, I came across your campaign for 'Mayerling'.

May I put the record straight on a few details?

'Mayerling' may have been made on the Royal Ballet, but I have never decreed that it should stay only with the Royal Ballet.

Budapest built their own production and did a fine performance - and whoever put about the idea that I removed the rights from them?

Vienna has acquired it, did a splendid premiere last year, and revival this.
Other companies are in discussion for future productions.

I'd love Mayerling to come to ABT - after all it's been to New York with the Royal Ballet. But the management of ABT has told me that the New York audience wouldn't understand the story........

Good luck with your campaign!

Deborah MacMillan

Mea Culpa!!!! (Of course you understand Latin in NYC???!!!)

I completely overlooked the Royal Swedish Ballet which also performs 'Mayerling' and has done for some time....

Deborah MacMillan

Undoubtedly,your new website, the new biography, and the new film with Edward Watson as Crown Prince Rudolf will collectively create a brand new and serious stirring of interest in producing Mayerling and many other of Sir Kenneth's works. We're all looking forward to the new film which according to various, but not necessarily reliable, sources on the internet is scheduled to be released today.

- Haglund

Can someone give me info about the film please? I'm dying to see it!

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