It appears that Alina Cojocaru of the Royal Ballet will dance Aurora in ABT's Saturday matinee Sleeping Beauty. Presumably* she will dance with Daniil Simkin, and ABT will make that its next "big press announcement" to try to spur ticket sales.
Maybe Haglund just needs a little more Percocet to calm down his seriously annoyed new hip. He is simultaneously pleased about the opportunity to see Alina Cojocaru but unhappy that ABT's own extraordinary soloist women are again being denied a rare opportunity to dance a principal role. Sarah Lane has proven herself far more worthy of a Sleeping Beauty principal role than the lackluster, reminds-McKenzie-of-McKenzie, duller-than-Sarah-Palin's-Tweets, sand-flavored, minor league soloist Cory Stearns. McKenzie sets up all these high fallutin' standards for the women and brushes the standards off to the side when it comes to Stearns. Our women soloists are going nowhere fast while McKenzie brings in guest artist after guest artist and continues to push Mr. Soggy Mash Potatoes down our throats at every opportunity.
McKenzie seems hell bent on making Stearns into his own 1980s image - which in 2010 just isn't good enough - not in light of what we have seen these past two decades. Why doesn't ABT bring in Carlos Acosta to dance with Michelle Wiles if it can't manage to pair her with an in-house principal? Their Black Swan PdD was pretty spectacular a few years back. Stearns and Wiles are Tweetie-sweeties so that apparently justifies giving Stearns a hog load of undeserved opportunities.
What's Twitter-speak for box office backlash?
There was a time when guest artists were used to help push weeknight performance sales. This year, McKenzie is using Osipova and Cojocoru for Saturday performances that always sell out no matter who dances. What's the point of that kind of scheduling?
Haglund is going to make his Percocet cocktail a double.
*Update Feb. 10:
Today JM Carreno was slotted on the website calendar to dance with Alina Cojocaru in the Saturday matinee Sleeping Beauty for the Met season. It's very nice to see that he is getting an additional performance. However, it seems that this would have been the perfect opportunity for McKenzie to employ the philosophy he talks about of matching up experienced dancers with the less experienced. Imagine the benefit that Sarah, Stella, Maria, or Kristi would receive from JM's experience. Frankly, it is just unacceptable that Sarah Lane does not have a Sleeping Beauty this year considering her gutsy history and unquestionable success with this role.