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May 20, 2010


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Great. The corps deserves all the praise you give it and then some. Diana Vishneva was transcendental, and Gomes Tues and Wed just wow.

You made me laugh twice. Once at disagreeing with Alastair Macauley so deftly on Minkus. Once in your remarks about Michele Wiles. What a blazing Gamzatti. I just posted this on her Facebook:

"Michele is Gamzatti in Bayadere again sat at 8:00, a dont-miss performance as the audience around us agreed. The only Gamazatti we've ever really felt for and as for that final act... perhaps the world's greatest technical talent in eye-popping warcry."

Thank you.

Hi Peter. Thanks for stopping by Haglund's Heel.

Alastair Macaulay resents anyone applauding for any ballet that was not conceived by either Ashton or Balanchine. And he tries to follow the Anna Kisselgoof tradition of inserting Balanchine's name in every review where ever possible even when no Balanchine or Balanchine-derivative was on the program.

Macaulay's recent slurs about the non-Hispanic look of the dancers in the Don Q PdD at the gala were truly outrageous and were ethnic-based criticisms that have no place in the New York Times or any other "news" paper. They illustrate just how far he will go to denigrate everything that isn't Balanchine or Ashton. Again, one has to ask - where are his editors? What would Macaulay think if every time he wrote a review that people didn't like or agree with, they responded by discussing his arrest record instead of what he wrote? Haglund thinks that Macaulay would prefer that readers focus on the professionally-sound content of his reviews just as the dancers would prefer that he focus on their performances - not their ethnicities.

Haglund forgot to mention how much he enjoyed watching Joseph Gorak in everything that he has danced thus far this week. Believe it or not, his feet and legs are as beautiful as Hallberg's and his energy, eagerness, and plain old happiness about being out on the stage remind one of Corella. Haglund cannot wait for ABT to cut him loose in a soloist role.

Also forgot to mention how stunning Maria Riccetto danced as one of the shades.

-- Haglund

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