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May 23, 2010


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Don't keep us in suspense - how were Julie and Jose at the matinee??

So glad to here Veronika is looking gorgeous as ever. I hope Stella makes it back for the season - poor thing.

Hi "K".

Julie and Jose gave a well-balanced performance but neither is in peak performance shape as of last Wednesday. Haglund kept thinking that Jose needs to get several more performances in before Natalia Osipova hurls herself at him like a torpedo on steroids during their Don Quixote - but he's not on the schedule again until the Don Q. Julie was a little shaky during her Act I solos and her hands trembled a bit as she fought for balances during the Scene 3 solo when Nikiya is commanded to dance before Solor and Gamzatti. Her jumps were rather low, though pretty, and made Haglund wonder whether she has become one of those dancers who always leaves class early before the big jumps. Hope not. But some classwork is definitely in order there.

Hee Seo was more like Gamzatti – the kitten to Julie's mama – cat during their Act I confrontation. Jose's Solor was quite conflicted throughout and clearly wanted both the mama cat AND the kitten - but Haglund will not delve into that further.

Haglund keeps forgetting to mention Roman Zhurbin's awesome High Brahmin performances. The guy's grip on the audience when he stands alone on stage is powerful, to say the least. His scenes opposite Gennadi Saveliev's Radjah (Wed. mat.) were quite theatrical and made Haglund think that there could be more to their story.

Love La Bayadere. Love it. Love it. Love it.

- Haglund

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