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June 22, 2010


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This is a fair review of last night's performance, but I feel it's a bit too laudatory for Part and a bit too harsh for Stearns.

Part definitely has beautiful lines and perfect arms for this role. But I expect to see a stronger contrast between Odile and Odette in the interpretation and the expressiveness. Although she was quite impressive in the pas de deux, she could have been more precise: she was a little bit off the music during the 32 fouettes. And finally the jump in the lake looked more like a jump in a pool to me, she didn't fly...

On the other hand, Stearns who really has little experience in this role, was able to convince the audience. I think his technique has become strong and neat.
His jumps were high, light with soft landing and his ballon is notable. His double cabrioles were really sharp and clean with a perfect tempo. Regarding his arabesques, he may not have a super flexible back, but he keeps control of the line, especially when landing in arabesque after a tour en l'air. And at the end there was a real effort to pose in the air while jumping in the lake.

That said I'm looking forward to reading your reviews on this week's performances!

Wonderful review!! Thank you once again for the very kind words about Misty!!

Very Best,

Sylvia DelaCerna

Hi, Jocelyn. Thanks so much for the comment.

In reflecting on Stearns' jumps after watching Hallberg this evening, I don't think that Stearns' problem is his strength but rather it's a matter of coordinating the pattern of energy more efficiently and quickly. It'll eventually click with him if he keeps trying to improve and studies the great examples of long-legged jumpers around him.

- Haglund

Thank you so much for this review. My family and I were in the Family Circle, and I wept at the pas de deux. As far as acting, even up there Stearns convinced me.

But Ms. Part left me ravished. Such a special night, and I'm grateful to James Wolcott for leading me to your blog.

Hi Jen and thanks for following James Wolcott's link to Haglund's Heel.

How beautiful to hear "My family and I were in the Family Circle." Going to the ballet should be a family affair although it seems to be less so as time goes on.

ABT's Swan Lake is marvelous, isn't it?

-- Haglund

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