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July 22, 2010


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gosh, i'm gonna hate your excellent blog when i leave nyc/the US! all the things i will miss out on! oh well. i shall be watching the shows vicariously through you, so please keep up the excellent work!

Michael, are you really going to torture yourself with the NY Bar Exam and then leave NY? Let us know where you are going - certainly there will be a ballet company worth watching close by. Also, you can access Haglund's Heel from most any parts of the world.

Thanks for your contributions. Haglund suspects that you won't be able to stay away from the New York ballet scene for long.

i'm trying to find an email address to explain why i have to leave nyc but i can't! and yeah i've been meaning to ask if you mind that i comment so much, haha. i used to blog, and always loved comments, so i thought you wouldn't mind. there were some really insightful entries you had from way back, with no comments, so i thought you might have a "no comment policy" of some sort.

Haglund and the readers appreciate all of your comments and will miss them when you leave NYC.

To contact us, click on the Email link under the list of the last 10 posts (middle tube) or the Email link on the About Me page. Would love to hear from you.

Regarding the mystery of the October 12th ABT performance, Haglund observed that the calendars for both the Koch Theater, City Center Theater, BAM-Gilman Opera House and BAM-Harvey Theater are all blank for that date.

What a great new tradition it would be to have an annual evening of new choreography by company members.

Also, Haglund hopes that someone is keeping a close eye on the outputs of those youngsters over at The Juilliard School who receive the new Antony Tudor scholarships. We are of course assuming that the scholarships relate to dance-making. Another great idea!

Keep up the good work Haglund! And find out where and $how much for us. Can't be at the Koch Theater -- that's like trespassing.

Hi yjtsui! We're working on it. No doubt you've seen the hundreds if not thousands of Haglund'eelers in their H.H. beanies with propellers swirling all over the city trying to pry information out of the people "who know." Hopefully ABT will put out a press release soon.

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