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October 13, 2010


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This was so interesting--thanks for reporting back. My current lifestyle means I can't go and see everything I used to, or want to and I was curious about this set of pieces. Who knows where good choreographers come from and I always want to try to give someone a chance . . .

Odd about the omission of principal dancers. Might there be a reason--something to do with money or licensing? I saw the news release for the 2011 spring season and the names you mention appear as principal dancers for the spring.

Hi Marie. Forgot to mention that the Rose Hall space seems good for dance as far as sight lines are concerned. Don't know whether there is a way to create an orchestra "pit". The whole back of the theater which allows for a nearly 360 degree stage performance went unused, of course.

The theater was far from sold out. The performance "only" tickets were reasonable for an ABT performance but maybe a bit pricey for a student choreography showcase.

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