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October 27, 2010


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Haglund--Feel free to delete after reading, but I thought you might find this excerpt from Jennifer Homans' book on ballet to be interesting. I at least would be curious to get your reaction. http://www.tnr.com/article/books-and-arts/78263/ballet-over

Hi Marie. Thanks for the link to the excerpt from Jennifer Homans' book. I found it rather verbose and rambling. Her complaints are certainly loud, but not very persuasively argued for the most part. Her attack on the reconstruction of Nijinsky's Rite of Spring done by Millicent Hodson with Robert Joffrey suggests that Homans didn't do much research on that topic.

But of course, she's entitled to her opinion, which is what most of the excerpt was.

I completely agree.

Thank you both so much for taking the time to read and respond!

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