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November 25, 2010


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It's a deal! Here in London we are having too tame a ballet season (we've been pining for some meaty MacMillan, and Bag Lady L has been threatening to move to Copenhagen in search of balletic excitement...) so this was just the kind of news to brighten up our year-end!

Hoping home team can prove to O2 audiences that ballet rocks!

Argentina, Italy, Cuba have all had super-successful "arena ballet" and you will, too. Do you have any idea why the RB chose R&J instead of something like Don Q or an evening blast of virtuoso repertory? It would be so-o-o cool if Opus Arte live-streamed it!

Haglund was about to send the Bag Ladies his recommendations for the February performances of ABT, but then they changed the casting, deleting Gomes and Abrera from Known by Heart and also Abrera from Millepied's E.D.H.A.O. Hopefully that's an indicator that she'll be doing something more meaningful in London. But as of now, you'll get to see Simkin in T&V. That will be a huge challenge for him and we're jealous that you get to see his first effort. Julie Kent in Jardin, Sarah Lane in T&V for the softer, more elegant version, and Cornejo in everything are not to be missed.

- Haglund

Many thanks, we have begun to fill our Xmas stockings with ABT tickets and will keep your recommendations in mind!

Romeo & Juliet is the most popular ballet in the RB rep (legend has it that the company doesn't have to advertise revivals at ROH... this baby just sells itself) and its mix of dance & drama is what perfectly defines the company. And besides... it's Shakespeare : )

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