« Bolshoi Ballet – Nutcracker live-streamed 12/19 | Main | ABT: Mousedemonium at the Ballet 12/23 »

December 23, 2010


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Terrific review as usual.it's like i was there watching the ballet. Your take on the 1st pdd makes sense.An early review in BT notes that V Part had "trouble" w/ the choreography, looked under-rehearsed and Marcelo almost dropped her a few times. I just could not believed that Marcelo is capable of dropping anyone.
I just feel sick that i will miss seeing this in this run of the production.Maybe next year .

Merry Christmas, Jose! So sorry that you will have to miss the new Nutcracker this year. I suspect that one of the greatest pleasures of this new production will be what the different sets of principals bring to their roles. There is a lot of opportunity for variations on the theme, so to speak.

Thank you so much for this detailed review. I was fortunate enough to attend one of the Works and Process presentations last month, but won't be able to see the finished product, so your thoughts and observations are truly appreciated!

Sorry you have to miss this new production. However, I understand that there was a guy sitting in the forward part of the right side of the theater who held a little camera under his chin under a handkerchief for most of the evening; so clips just might turn up on YouTube.

Koji, I hope we will see and hear you during Lady of the Camellias again this Spring.

Will definitely keep my eyes peeled. Yes, luckily more Camellias this Spring, which I'm very much looking forward to playing again--such a privilege to work with such an amazing group of artists.
Best wishes for the holidays-

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