« The Nutcracker 12/17 - Joffrey Ballet School / Gelsey Kirkland Academy | Main | A Merry Christmas from ABT - 12/22 »

December 19, 2010


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Just small mistake-Nutcracker-Prince was danced by Artiom Ovcharenko.,

Thanks much Katya! I've made the correction. Were you there? Did you like the performance or perhaps not?

So funny--I had my husband watch some Bolshoi clips of the Nutcracker and explained; "this is why the Bolshoi is the greatest company in the world."

Hi Marie. Merry Christmas to you.

I forgot to mention that the live-stream included an interview with Yuri Grigorovich. Very sharp and articulate man. He's about to turn 84 years old and he has more energy and spring in his step than people half his age.

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