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December 30, 2010


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A few issues (years? time flies!) ago DANCE mag had a feature, "Too Much Balanchine?"

My answer is, there's never too much Balanchine (done well). But there can be too much Balanchine worship.

Happy New Year, Diana. You're right. Admiration is fine, but nix the worship.

Just came from the matinee of the last day of NYCB's Nutz. I've emailed you a fuller account but for the blog, a few observations:

Erica Pereira is a work in progress. She shone in Sugar Plum solo but she and Anthony Huxley were clearly nervous and overwhelmed in grand pas de deux. I question Martins' wisdom in putting such a young ballerina with such a young partner.

Ashley Bouder as Dewdrop: superb throughout, but bourrees were surprisingly clunky. She's too good a dancer to have lousy bourrees. Ashley: study some films of Kyra Nichols, the way Mike Tyson used to study Jack Dempsey.

Gold star to Ashley Laracey, who was a scrumptious Marzipan Shepherdess.

It's good to hear that Erica's solo went well. We're just going to have to be patient and wait a few years for her to mature. The journey should be rewarding.

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