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January 15, 2011


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I was at the NYPhil performance too. I don't understand the ruckus over the Ades piece--there are other modern pieces which are more interesting and more cohesive. I didn't feel it really worked as a "conclusion" to the story Gilbert was trying to tell with the Kindertotenlieder and the Mozart. It was a good, but not great evening (especially if I compare it to, say, the Mahler 2 at Carnegie Hall at the end of last year).

Hi Marie. I didn't think much of the video aspect of the performance either. It looked like a Microsoft screensaver product.

The NY Phil audience is so good at politely conveying its lack of enthusiasm. Judging from the expressions on the musicians' faces, they knew that we weren't wild about it.

It's always a bad sign when a creative artist needs to address the audience to explain his work before the performance and then quickly ends by saying "The piece speaks for itself and stands on its own." LOL. Not this time.

Same reaction last night to the 12 minute ear blast by Jorg Widmann. But it was worth having to sit through to experience Schumann's 4th and then hear Yefim Bronfman play Brahms' concerto. Truly masterful!

The Somova bait and switch has already happened at KenCen. After stalking the ticket site waiting for the good seats to show closer to performance, which they usually do, I got good seats for the Terioshkina/Shklyarov Friday. Of course, last week they switched the Somova perfs with Terioshkina's. KenCen allowed refund after making a scene.

I get that things happen that cause changes,and frequently changes are rewarding, but the Mariinsky and the Bolshoi seem always to be playing a cruel joke year after year. I am done with the Mariinsky and, probably with the KenCen after ABT next week.

Oh, no. Well, it's good that you got the refund, and it's also probably good that you made "a scene" to get it. I got a ticket to the final Vishneva performance, and I'm crossing every finger and toe in the hope that it doesn't get switched.

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