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February 17, 2011


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I'll bet they switch the casting. Do they do that as much at home as they do on tour?

I hope Veronika reminds them of their heritage, although, they looked very good last week in Giselle at KenCen (at least the Tereshkina/Shklyarov/Kondaurova cast did), better than they have looked in a few years. I wonder if Part will be able to generate the same heat that she generates with Gomes. Korsuntsev is considerably less... Brazilian.

LOL! The ticket buyers in St. Petersburg probably get just as angry the ones here.

Korsuntsev "is considerably less...Brazilian" than Gomes, but we haven't seen Veronika's Swan Lake with Gomes for a while. This year Siegfried is Stearns who "is less...Brazilian" than just about anyone. Last year, it was Stearns and Hallberg because supposedly Bolle was injured and Gomes didn't want to stress his back. The year before that it was Bolle. Things are not getting better here.

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