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March 25, 2011


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I think everyone is not surprised when the Hollywood PR machine tries to cover up or play up certain aspects, but it's especially hurtful when it comes from inside the community itself. Millepied's comments were uncalled for--Portman has already won the Oscar, for better or for worse. Everyone saw the video that showed them pasting Portman's head on Lane's body, there is no shame in admitting that Portman could not become a ballet dancer in a year. On top of that any regular ABT watcher could probably pick out Lane's legs and feet which are completely unlike Portman's legs and feet (you know, they have muscle and turn out!)

I doubt the women of ABT are hurting too bad by being left out of his creations, which have been increasingly critically un-acclaimed.

True true true.

This little controversy will probably peak in a week - just when ABT single tickets go on sale.

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