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May 20, 2011


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I'm so happy to hear your report on Sarabia.

Sarabia is one of the few dancers I would love for ABT to import and give a home to (read: an actual home, not just to fly in for a few ticket-boosting sales a season). He's a beautiful dancer...I find it horrible he has been drifting around since he defected.

Sarabia was not his "YouTube self" so to speak, but he's had injuries and probably not great healthcare. I imagine that ABT's physical team could do a lot for him. His story, and what he's given up for his art form is very compelling. I'd like to see that story have a fairytale ending.

Wow, i'm so glad to hear from Sarabita again. It's been a while since the last time i hear something. I'm happy to hear (well, read) that he's still that talented, amazing dancer that "convinced" me to dance ballet. There's something in his way of dancing that makes you want to try it. Yes, many injuries (and surgeries) but let's all hope that, despite the time, he remains as a sample of what latins can do to classical dance. Arriba chico, que aun no te veo en vivo ;)

Hi Sebastian!

He's a true artist with all bases covered (pardon the baseball reference): technique, line, artistry, acting. It was a pleasure to see him.

Thanks so much for your review...I had been looking for more recent info on Sarabia, so it was great to see this. And ABT doesn't even have his picture on their website yet. I look forward to reading more of your reviews.

Hi Katherine. Thanks for stopping by H.H. and for your kind comments.

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