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May 24, 2011


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Trying to post a second time--if you are trying to ban me, just let me know and I won't comment again.

I agree with you about Cojocaru. I saw her Aurora last year and absolutely loved it and did not notice her feet. But with Kitri, I did. I found the line (or lack of it) so distracting. I think in part this is because Kitri just is not her role.

I thought Jose was wonderful and will miss him.

I *loved* seeing Simone Messmer. She was Messmerizing. More please! And Sarah Lane absolutely projected to the very back of the hall. Incredible. I think Boylston is a lovely, fluid and silky dancer, but it's odd how her face does not project. One realizes just how much it takes to really be a complete performer on stage.

I am going to see Cojocaru in Giselle. I'll be very interested to see how that plays after Kitri. But--I give her credit for giving the part her all. And her chemistry with Jose was wonderful and very sincere.

Hi Marie! Did you have problems posting? I would NEVER ban you. We're warriors of the same tribe.

Let me know if there were any problems.

I'm skipping the Cojocaru Giselle, and will count on you to report whether Hallberg was able to lift her over his head cleanly twice in Act II.

Oh dear! If we are warriors of the same tribe, then I am sorry that you too must suffer so! But it is good to have a comrade in arms along the way.

It's possible that I just didn't do all the steps when trying to post--we'll just assume that's what happened.

I was at the Vishneva Giselle last night--I think you were too and will now read what you have to say. And of course will report back on Cojo.

PS--Someone in the know mentioned that Cojo's feet are worse re the bunions, and this is why her shoes seem even more out of alignment with the rest of her body.

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