« ABT – Giselle – The Bold & The Beautiful – 5/27 | Main | ABT – Carreño's final Albrecht – 5/31 »

May 31, 2011


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Uh-oh. I'm not surprised at your comments about Paloma Herrera, Haglund, having seen her at the dress rehearsal last Friday afternoon. I remember her verve at 18, how she so easily spun off multiple turns with a joyous casualness. She was never a great actress, and without the youthful joy, there isn't a whole lot left besides the steely technique.
But what I'm really uh-oh-ing about is Hee Seo being taken out of the Peasant PdD. I hope she is saving her strength for Giselle at tomorrow's matinee. I definitely wish her well. But if she is taken out, and I hope that isn't so, we all know who we want as her substitute.

Hey Haglund. I agree with you -- something wasn't quite right. I felt it, and it was my first "Giselle"! I wish I'd seen one other cast, at least. Check out what I wrote:


Hi, Ryan. That's a very thoughtful and perceptive review of Giselle. You cannot go wrong by watching ABT's 1977 version with Makarova & Baryshnikov.(It's all on YouTube.) They are the gold standard as far as I'm concerned.

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