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May 28, 2011


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My first Giselle a few years ago when I was really getting back into watching ballet was with Vishneva and Corella. I hate to say this, but the Vishneva-Gomes partner is even richer.

The role of Albrecht can look thankless (as it did this winter when I saw it at the Royal). But not with Gomes in control. The head tosses during the tours and jetes just added to Albrecht's character as "exhausted but still dancing." There was so much tension in Act II--you could really feel that Albrecht's life was in danger and that he needed Giselle's protection.

It's wonderful to see a classic made new again.

Also, I will have you know that because of your blog, I did go get my Lady of the Camellias (or Lilas, or whatever) for Visnheav-Gomes. So glad I did and can't wait.

Finally--could we please see these two in Manon next year?

Hi Marie. Totally agree. Gomes' use of his head was superb last night. When he came down the diagonal with his cabrioles, he arched his back so far on the landings that it looked like his head was going to hit the floor.

Camellias will kill you. Vishneva is as good as Anna Netrebko in La Traviata.

Yes, it's time for Manon!

Haglund, whoever you are, you're the best--way way better than Mr. Curmudgeon at the venerable you-know-where. And you're funny too. And always en pointe!

Hi Angelica. Thanks for stopping by H.H. Poor Mr. Curmudgeon is hampered by his lack of ballet education and is always trying to compensate by being nasty to dancers. Obviously, his lonely attacks on ballerinas signify that he had some kind of "a problem" with his mother. In this day and age of perfectly safe shock therapies, you'd think he could – oh, well, what's the use . . . .

Yes, Haglund, you're right on the mark with Mr. C.
I hope you'll be attending Hee Seo's debut performance of Giselle on Wednesday. I shudder to think what Mr. C. will make of it. Well, at least he loves David Hallberg, so perhaps he'll be kind to his ballerina. Actually, I'm guessing that he won't even attend.
And the whole Stella Abrera thing is so sad. I'm dying to see her dance the title role! Bought tickets for both performances as soon as they were announced in 2008 and 2009, and had to change them when she was pulled out. But in the meantime I'm not going to take my eyes off her Myrtha for a second!

Sorry--cabrioles not jetes!

And yes, Hallberg lifted Cojocaru very high--so high in fact that I got quite nervous. But it all ended well. And you've no doubt heard that Stella subbed for Gillian. I loved Stella's performance. Not everyone agreed with me, but I just loved her Myrtha. For one thing, Stella did wonderful jumps (no thudding) that made her turn as a Wili believable.

Also, and this is a small thing, but the corps in general were much quieter on their feet on Saturday than they were on Friday so we didn't have the same thudding.

And to Angelica--I'll be there for Hee Seo too. I can't wait to see her.

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