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June 20, 2011


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Totally agree - I saw Cote with Stella at Met season a few years ago as well. (Maybe ABT should try sticking with guest artists from North and South American companies if they're going to insist on keeping this up - people whose fans are close enough to come to NY to see them might be a good draw....)

I was wondering what you would think of the latest guest artist switcheroo! I can’t make it, so I’m eagerly awaiting your review of Stella and Guillaume’s performance!

Guillaume danced with Stella in her spectacular debut as Cinderella a few years ago and in her two subsequent performances. She hasn't danced with anyone in this role but Guillaume; so, it's probably best for her that he is here. I liked him a lot when he was last here - not a showboat but a real Prince Charming danseur.

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