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September 18, 2011


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HH, it seems you lead a charmed life. Wish I'd been there.

Bill and Hill, The Qeen of Soul and Mr. Tony. Wow!

Hi PCL! Thanks for stopping by HH. It was a grand night. Other Haglund'eelers were there, too. One just sent me a correction that it was "Fly Me to the Moon" that Tony sang without the microphone, not "Shadow of Your Smile."

I forgot to mention that there was an exhibit of Tony's paintings on the Grand Tier level. I got to the opera house too late to see them, but the exhibit seemed to be drawing a good sized crowd.

Wow! What a night! And it's especially gratifying to see a huge star give back to the community with significant support for arts education, which we so desperately need everywhere.

Wow!! Thanks for telling us about the event. Sounds like a magical evening. Wish I had been there.

Amen, Julie. He's doing a lot more than his share.

B, you missed a great one!

What a fantastic evening..a true star and ledgend. Thanks HH for shareing the song by song highlights.

You're very welcome. Perhaps you will stop by HH again when you are at the Mikhailovsky Ballet next month and tell us what you thought of the performance.

Oh my God!I wish I´ve been there!!
Alejandro Sanz and Tony Bennett !!!I love seeing Alejandro succeed in the MET!As Angel Corella...my two loves.Spaniards should be proud of them...as am I;)Thank you Haglund!

It was such a terrific, uplifting evening.

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