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November 22, 2011


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Totally agree - Jared was the high point of the evening.

On a side note, I didn't see Kevin McKenzie anywhere in the audience, did you? I usually see him at events at the Joyce or featuring ABT dancers so I thought his absence, if true, was glaring.

Didn't see McKenzie. The only ABT affiliate I saw (I wasn't really looking for them) was Susan Jaffe and I think she was there more as a Robert Sher-Machhemdl/Lemon Sponge Cake Contemporary Ballet affiliate.

Ah yes the Elo "One Overture"...I was subjected to that here in the Reflections program at Segerstrom Center. What a mess.

It sounds like an overall success, even with a crummy second half. Hopefully interest will stay high and the dancers have more time to work together on things that will have broader audience appeal. Sounds like they need a (well-done) piece for a small group. PDD after PDD wears on an audience after awhile.

Glad to hear about Jared's success!!

I imagine there are a few local choreographers who know these dancers and who might be interested in working on a group piece.

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