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February 28, 2012


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This is great! Seems Stella enchanted the RNZB dancers. I hope we get some decent video of her debut (though the actual dancing parts of the show seem limited, a gal can dream!).

I hope so, too – at least some of the Rose Adagio and maybe a fish dive or two with Sergio.

Stiefel's management style is coming off VERY good in this program. Let's hope that will be noticed here. I just read that the company's opening performance of its NYC program last night in Auckland got a standing ovation for Larry Keigwin's new piece. All good news.

Yeah, this show is addictive.

Totally. I want a New Zealand accent.

right? plus i have to start saying "she's so beautiful it makes me want to spew".

Well, she is.

True that.

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