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March 30, 2012


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awesome.i can't wait to see it!!
(somehow i can't quite imagine cory stearns in the bad guy role tho)

Since I cannot be there to see any of Misty or Isabella's performance, someone please writes a review soon enough. I'm dying to know!

Here are links to a couple of reviews:

The first review includes several photos from all three pieces on the program such as this captivating photo by OC Register's Drew Kelley of Stella Abrera and Eric Tamm in Thirteen Diversions.


By the way, Haglund'eeler "GG" just advised us that our Stella is in the April issue of Marie Claire Magazine. She's one of five women (runner, boxer, yogi, bike messenger, and ballerina) who took a fitness test at NY's Hospital for Special Surgery to determine who was the fittest of them all.

Our Stellartacus scored the strongest core of the group. We knew that though. She has to have a strong stomach to put up with what is going on at ABT these days.

The issue is on sale now at the Duane Reade. Pick up a copy along with a big chocolate bunny and some yellow Peeps.

I've been waiting to see Misty because I was left a little cold by Thursday night's performance, aside from the brilliant vulnerability/kookiness of Simone Messmer. Mostly, I wish there was more dancing! Ratmansky seemed very reliant on posing and preening, rather than choreography to tell the story, unfortunately. Gomes provided some great charm (is there a better seducer onstage right now?) and comedic moments, but Hallberg is pretty wasted by the role which is nothing more than caricature. I think Roman Zhurbin may be able to make more of it, since he is great at character roles, but I am a little confused by the decision to cast Stearns.

I also wonder given the partnering how Misty and Herman will fair together, as I think she will be a little tall for him given the pas de deux they share, but it must work out (and if it does, note to powers that be: can we see them dance together in other things??).

BTW, the audience was WILD for Stella and Misty in Thirteen Diversions. They were an unstoppable combination.

I think that Misty's and Isabella's Firebirds may be enhanced by their beautiful legs and feet which probably were not observable with the first Firebird. I imagine that Ratmansky is keen on making whatever changes and improvements are necessary before Firebird hits the Met stage; we may see something a little different than you saw. Please let us know how Misty's performance goes on Sunday.

Re: Misty & Herman. They used to perform Sinatra Suite together. So, yeah, they're a workable duo.

Great to hear that Stella and Misty kicked ass in Thirteen Diversions. Someone needs to get to the bottom of McKenzie's foul decision to truncate Stella's progress. It's not based on her dancing, that's for sure. Maybe he's just waiting around for her to get injured again so that he can say "I told you so."

Yes, it almost feels like there wasn't enough time to finish some parts (making it a little choreographically empty as of right now), so I imagine some things will be expanded upon for the Met. A little tweaking goes a long way, sometimes. :)

Wow, it sounds like Misty, Herman Cornejo, and Roman Zhurbin(!) burned up the stage in Firebird. From the LA Times review of the second and third performances today: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/culturemonster/2012/04/dance-review-new-casts-in-abts-firebird-at-segerstrom.html

"Ratmansky’s revised storyline and forward-backward movement idiom finally emerged clearly with second cast leads Misty Copeland and Herman Cornejo, a hypnotizing pair. Cornejo masterfully sustained tension and contained his energy, thus giving even more force to Copeland’s abandoned, creaturely performance. With them, the audience’s standing ovation was absolutely spontaneous. Too bad Ratmansky wasn’t onstage that night, for he deserved it too."

Just today, the outside of the Met Opera House began its gradual transformation from opera season to ballet season with the addition of this poster:
Does anybody else see the mean faces in the flames, or is it just me?

They did!! Everything made so much more sense this afternoon; what an incredible shift. Every gesture was more clear, every movement was immaculately done. It was so good to see Herman in his solos as he's looking amazing. While I adore Marcelo, there are really few other dancers who come close to the crisp purity of Herman, and I feel he even got a better grip on the character of Ivan overall--seeing Herman made me feel Marcelo played Ivan too lightheartedly.

And Misty-her feet! her arms! her legs! her back!--was incredible. Both Herman and Misty moved through their back, everything emanating from their center rather than a jumble of limbs being tossed about. They were fantastic apart and together, which is important for this ballet especially as they aren't supposed to be a romantic couple.

And Zhurbin (yes, Zhurbin!) was great. Super powerful, a force to be reckoned with for sure. He is such a great actor onstage, and Kaschei certainly needs a great actor to sell this part.

This cast can only get better, I'm sure. I can't wait to hear others impressions of them from the Met stage.

Even though the Firebird is certainly different from Odette/Odile, Misty has the otherworldly drama and fluidity that makes me really want to see her in Swam Lake now. This ballet really shows what she's not just a technical firehouse (actually seeing her in the role makes it clear it's not a bravura showcase for technique--it requires something more than a big jump), and I hope we get to see more of it soon!

K -

Thanks so much for the report! It sounds like the second cast was indeed First Rate. Great news!

Wonderful to hear!! Thanks for your thoughts K :)

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