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May 22, 2012


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All I have to say is, "gosh."

Oh wait I have one more thing to say. "She didn't stand around and bore us like Kent and Herrera."


Hi Diana. I wish I'd have been sitting in the cheap seats last night, but I enjoy Dvorovenko and Bolle so I splurged a bit.

Part of the problem with the music could have been that since there are so many versions of the same music to accommodate all the guest artists, maybe the conductor just got confused as to who was on stage and read the wrong notations on the music. Who knows, but it was bad. Really bad.

Sarah Lane should be Giselle, at least once.

Right you are.

Irina is a hugely underrated actress; I hope she stays with ABT for a long time even if Max is phasing out-I've always enjoyed her and I think she and Roberto are well matched. Roberto needs a strong actress to dance with and he really comes alive dramatically. The man is a cool drink of water onstage.

If ABT was going to keep him, I'd wish they'd put him to real use with Veronika, though. If Marcelo is going to be commandeered for other uses, she deserves an equally strong and broad set of shoulders!

I am a fan of Irina's and I really enjoyed her performance last night. Roberto, on the other hand, I've never been all that crazy about. However, he was great as Albrecht and I think he rose to the occasion because of Irina. Despite all the mishaps, I think the two of them worked really well together. The chemistry certainly was there. A very nice way to end ABT's last Giselle of the season!

Hi B. I agree he really rose to the occasion. After their near catastrophe, they really pulled the performance together to make it a good one. I think a large part of the audience, those who were casual attendees, didn't even grasp that there was a problem.

Hi K. Irina's Giselle, taken as a whole, is one of the best in the company. It strikes me as odd how her Giselle interpretation seems so spontaneous and thoughtful, but her Odette/Odile seems over-schooled. I wish she would dance Swan Lake with Bolle. And yes, I agree that he should be partnering Veronika, who is looking even more sensational this year.

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