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August 14, 2012


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Sigh, love Daniel Ulbricht.

Me, too.

Looks very fragmented as a programme if that is the case. And reflects some issues the company has without even trying to do so ;)
I remember seeing parts of that pas de deux in the Center Stage movie back in the day with Julie Kent. She looked so extremely odd in it, by itself and especially compared to other things I could see on Youtube before they were deleted. I hope that someone more suitable for the part is cast for it in the programme this time(definitely not Julie anyway I'd say, but there are other candidates who would not fit), even if they might not be able to hold a candle to those from NYCB that you've mentioned.
And let's hope Daniil won't make meant-to-be-cute faces, or any sort of faces he often carries.

So whom might ABT cast? Isabella Boylston and Daniil Simkin would be my guess. Or maybe Marcello to give it class.

Hi Angelica. Simkin, Boylston, Brandt, maybe Lane, maybe Herman. But the whole idea is to get a big American flag on stage. I can just hear the McKenzie/Moore opening night speech:

"We're so proud to be America's national ballet company. What could be more American than the flag and cowboys that we're presenting tonight? [pause for applause] And look, we're both wearing American flags on our lapels. Did we mention that Natalia is studying for her American citizenship exam? We ARE America's national ballet company, and we have the prepackaged, off-shore manufactured talent to prove it!"

Kallima, you're right, it is a very fragmented program. It's really a desperate attempt to inject some Americanism into American Ballet Theatre, even if they have to borrow it from America's REAL national ballet company, which is the New York City Ballet. The meant-to-be-cute faces are but one problem we have to contend with.

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