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January 04, 2013


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I have only seen Tippet's Bruch on YT. Specifically, that last movement as performed by ABT (Stiefel, Tuttle, Corella, Hererra, Kent etc.), and the vid of Angel's company. I absolutely love what little I have seen of it.

The women's tutus make me think of wildflowers. Without any idea of Mr.Tippet's actual intent, I always imagine that the last part of the ballet evokes flowers joyously springing up in the desert after the rain. I don't know why, but there it is.

Kit, that's a wonderful visual for those beautiful Bruch costumes. I've often wondered what became of the designer, Dain Marcus. He created the costumes for Jerome Robbins' "In Memory Of ..." but it's hard to find other instances of his sensitive designs.

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