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April 09, 2013


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Now this is a beautiful complex and quite imaginative on the part of the architects. By extreme contrast "Mariinsky II," which is set to open on May 2 looks like a three way hybrid of Costco on the canal, Home Depot, and a warehouse on a waterfront. I kid you not. MO.

lol, Erica. This shed could turn out to be one big Budweiser, Verizon, Taco Bell moving billboard.

Mariinsky II looks a little out of place for the neighborhood, but if it were situated uptown next to our new Time Warner Towers, it might not look so bad.

Holy Shit what an eyesore. I almost want to move just to vote thumbs down. On the other hand, anything to get the fashionista out of Lincoln Center. On the third hand, thumbs down to ANY private usage. That's BS. You want to build your ugly ass towers you need to provide exclusively public space.

Hi Fred. We shouldn't underestimate that shrewd political animal – Community Board 4. They skillfully engineered the failure of the new Giants stadium on the West Side a few years back. I never want to know the details of what they did behind closed doors to persuade Albany to quash it, but I'm grateful.

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