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July 21, 2013


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I have just seen Giselle, the movie, directed by Toa Fraser. Wow! Beautifully filmed (cinematography by Leon Narbey who has always had a fine eye for dance) and seamlessly edited (by Dan Kircher), and superbly danced all round by the Royal NZ Ballet but very especially Qui Huan (Albrecht) and Gillian Murphy (Giselle), Jacob Chown (as Hilarion) and Abigail Boyle (Myrtha, Queen of the Willis). It gives everyone the same "best seats" ... probably the best seats you will ever have for Giselle.
The movie will tour on the NZ International Film Festival circuit for the next month before "international" release and/or DVDs are decided on. [And yes, Ethan Stiefel appears in the film amongst the nobles, briefly].
-Raewyn Whyte

Hi Raewyn! Thanks so much for the report. We've been hoping that the movie would appear at one of the several film festivals here in the States, but so far, there's been no sign of that happening. I hope they put together a trailer soon.

Are you going to be reporting on any part of RNZB's U.S. tour next February? The Joyce Theater dates are Feb 12-16.

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