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August 25, 2013


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You're so right, Haglund, the current Giselle casts have ossified. We really need to have new blood in those roles. I would go to see all five of the Giselles you propose. So whom would we have? Abrera and Radetsky; Kajiya and Matthews; Lane and Gorak (please, not Simkin); Murphy and Tamm; Part and Gomes. I could not bear to see the male dancer who is missing from this list.

Hi Angelica. That's a very good listing of pairs. There are also intriguing but less likely possibilities, such as Tom Forster on the tall side and Craig Salstein on the not-so-tall side. At some point in the near future, (I'm basing this on what I saw last year in Onegin) Stearns and Gemma Bond would pair up nicely as Albrecht and Giselle. And some of your suggested pairings are interchangeable. Tamm would work well with Abrera; Radetsky would work well with Murphy; Gorak would work with Kajiya and Matthews would work with Lane.

I, too, shudder at the thought of Whiteside showing up with any of those women. Besides being such an ordinary dancer, so much of his off-stage but very public online behavior is troublesome - like a page out of the DSM's HPD chapter.

I love it, Haglund, musical partnerships! As for Whiteside, definitely HPD. Also NPD. And probably a few other disorders thrown in for good measure, including one with which I won't sully your blog.

Ha- i did not expect to see my twitter on your blog! What a great line up of dancers tho, would have loved to see the whole program.

Hi Robin. Yes, Daniel Ulbricht puts together great programs. Nearing only 30, he's already accomplished as a presenter, teacher, speaker, and of course a dancer. This interview was made when Ulbricht was guest teaching at Indy Ballet. He's a very focused, articulate, and impressive man - an excellent communicator. http://vimeo.com/65984769 He'll be directing a permanent company before long - maybe a really, really, really big company.

I would love to see an Exodus of ABT's undervalued dancers into a major company headed by Daniel Ulbricht, leaving the remaining dancers, warts and all, to Kevin McKenzie and the ABT Board.

Agree ulbricht is very articulate, intellegent, charming & magnetic. And while i wish no harm or warts on ABT or mckenzie i'd certainly be interested in seeing anything daniel puts together : )

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