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October 15, 2013


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Well, thank you again, Haglund. What a beautiful commentary.

Thanks, J. I'm glad that you got to see Phillips' Ali in CA last summer. It seems that was his final ABT performance.

Without you, Haglund, I'd have known nothing at all about any of this!

So Akhmetov needs 25 more dancers? Well now, is this not an opportunity for a number of unappreciated ABT soloists and corps members to finally dance the roles they deserve to dance? I understand that the application for a Russian visa requires an enormous amount of paperwork. But to see our Stella dance Giselle on what promises to become an international stage would be motivation enough for me to fill it out.

Maybe if we wish upon a star....(both kinds....)

Hi, Angelica.

My feelings exactly. Hopefully, more of ABT's unappreciated talent will explore the possibility of Vladivostok where the seasonal climate is mild and the professional climate might be a lot more hospitable. Not to mention the many opportunities to dance in Japan, Mongolia, Taiwan.

UPDATE from Voice of Russia:

"October 18, at 11.00 am (Moscow time) the Voice of Russia will deliver a live broadcast of the opening ceremony of the theater and the “Eugene Onegin” opera. October 19, at 10.30 am (Moscow time) you can watch the gala concert on the radio website.
Read more: http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2013_10_17/photo-Opening-of-Primorsky-Opera-and-Ballet-Theatre-live-on-October-18-19-on-Voice-of-Russia-website-0012/ "

A great place for such a fine theather

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