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November 20, 2013


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Oh, my, Haglund, do you think they will read your blog and correct it by Friday?

lol, I doubt it.

This sounds like a frustrating experience, given the extraordinary gifts of the beloved Ms. Ferri, and the audience who longs to see her on stage again - dancing. I look forward to hearing updates from you. Thank you, Haglund.

I thought the whole thing was beautiful as is. Very intense. I loved it.

Hi Robin.

It's great that you saw an early performance, too. I guess my main objection is that we didn't get enough of Ferri dancing - or actually any dancing at all outside of the PdDs. My guest, who is probably the #2 Herman Fan of All Time (#1 being you), nearly nodded off to sleep when ever Herman left the stage for an extended period. She felt as though the Debussy piano music was meant to lull her to sleep. At least I think it was Debussy. Maybe you can confirm that or let us know otherwise.

While naturally i wouldnt object to more dancing for alessandra i can honestly say that while watching the performance it never crossed my mind. I was too caught up in the passion & drama- i dont know how anyone could possibly fall asleep, i felt like i hardly breathed thru the entire thing. A & H have such an amazing chemistry.
also hag, i dont think you should reveal the ending!! some people may not be familiar with the story! While i knew what was coming, my daughter did not, & i think not knowing made the experience that much more powerful. She loved it also.
Sorry, im not sure about debussy either.
anyway, im seeing it again in december (only once more, unfortunately) & am also curious to see if it changes any over the next couple weeks.

Sorry about spoiling the ending.

Many of the shows at Signature Theatre are extended after their initial runs. So it's possible.... The next production slated for the Irene Diamond Stage doesn't open until Feb. 4th.

However, the tickets for the extended runs are almost always way more than $25.

I saw the matinee today and was also very much disappointed with the lack of dancing, and the repetitive nature of what dancing was choreographed, although Cornejo and Ferri did have incredible chemistry and it was awesome to see them up-close in such a small venue. The audience did not seem to be too impressed-- a lady behind me was audibly snoring! When she woke up in the last half she remarked to her friend, "I fell asleep.. but it didn't matter."

Hi knt.

I totally agree that it was a treat to see Cornejo and Ferri in the small venue.

Since there are more than two weeks until the official opening night, it would seem that plenty of time exists for needed revisions. I'll see it again next week and report back if I observe changes.

You didnt spoil the ending for me, i already knew it - but i meant for future audeinces.

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