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December 06, 2013


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Hi Haglund,

I just watched the live stream... and I absolutely loved it! A very charming and innovative production, I thought. All in all, I liked this much better than NYCB's version (which is actually one of my least favorite productions). My all-time favorite Nutcracker is the 1977 Baryshnikov/Kirkland version. But this one was very good, too! I'll probably watch the live stream again tomorrow.

Thanks for letting us know about this!

Hi B. I caught the last 15 minutes of it and will watch the complete performance tonight (assuming they broadcast it again live). I enjoyed it, too. I always enjoyed taking Michael Vernon's classes at Steps because they were so musical – in the traditional sense. His combinations rarely seemed like exercises, and there was always room within the music to do more than just steps. I think those elements were reflected in his Nutcracker at IU as well.

The Baryshnikov Nutcracker is probably my all-time favorite, too.


I liked this so much that I watched it again this afternoon. The livestreaming seemed to work better yesterday. But nonetheless, what a charming production! I especially liked Colleen Kerwin (who was the Sugar Plum Fairy on Saturday and did the Arabian dance today) and Christian Claessens (Herr Drosselmeyer). They both have a really nice stage presence. Who knew there was such great dancing in Indiana?

Thanks again for the heads-up about this, Hanglund. I had two very enjoyable afternoons this weekend!

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