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January 30, 2014


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After last night's performance at New York City Ballet, and in light of the unconscionable casting and (non)-promotion of soloists and corps members at ABT, I am seriously considering switching my membership and allegiance to NYCB. The dancing in all three ballets, Concerto Barocco, Kammermusik No. 2, and Who Cares? was outstanding in every way and I want to see more.

March 2nd is going to be a big day if Ballet in Cinema finds a venue to livestream the Bolshoi's Lost Illusions at 10 am, followed up by a NYCB performance at 3 pm!

Angelica, we may have word tomorrow about when and where Manhattan will be able to see Lost Illusions. Hopefully, it will not conflict with NYCB's performance at 3pm on March 2nd. The cinema presentation of Lost Illusions at Lehman will be at 2pm on the same date, unfortunately.

I can't believe how many performances/tickets there are to keep track of right now, between NYCB's Winter Season, two Ballet in Cinema screenings on various possible dates so far, ABT's upcoming Spring Season, Bolshoi Ballet's upcoming Summer Season, and now Boston Ballet's touch-down in July, which I will probably skip. Although much of it promises to be good, it's enough to make a person's head spin. Have I left anything out?

Oh--and Royal Ballet of New Zealand's film of Giselle on Sunday night!

Angelica, I agree, the offerings are becoming overwhelming. Just to add a few items to your list: RNZB at the Joyce, Cincinnati Ballet at the Joyce with their Frampton program (Did you see Peter Frampton backing up Ringo Starr at the Grammys on Sunday? Un.be.liev.a.ble.), Paul Taylor Dance Company's 60th Anniversary Season, Ballet Preljocaj with its contemporary Snow White, and Wendy Whelan's Restless Creature show.

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