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January 01, 2014


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Thank you, Haglund, for this year-end summation. Since you have tactfully sidestepped documenting the "worst" of 2013, I will gladly step in to carry that torch.

The absolute worst of the worst was the promotion of James Whiteside to principal dancer. He is so far below ABT principal caliber that it is sickening to see his name in large capital letters on the roster. Oddly, members of a certain ballet online forum seem to react positively to his performances, as does Alastair Macaulay, which makes me wonder about the future of classical ballet. Speaking of torches, if Whiteside is allowed to carry the torch for classical ballet in America, the same torch that Hallberg appears to have cast aside in the ill-advised interest of reinventing himself as a powerful, large-muscled Russian dancer, I'm afraid that an entire generation of dancers such as Matthews, Forster, and Tamm will be overlooked and unappreciated. Or perhaps they will decamp, as did Joseph Phillips, to far away places where ballet is still considered a high art form.

Another worst is to see the magnificent performance of Sarah Lane in Sleeping Beauty documented for all posterity on the Times's web site as one that didn't measure up. I can't imagine what Macaulay thinks he saw as a cloud passing over Sarah's face, but it certainly wasn't the joy she radiated as she confidently did a sequence of triple pirouettes as well as executed other Petipa land mines with far more ease and eloquence than a certain other ballerina who has recently caught the AD's eye.

Last but not least, I am completely in agreement that perhaps the saddest of all was the absence of Stella Abrera from any meaningful leading roles in the spring season. I'm tired of her playing second fiddle to various lesser dancers while she deserves the concertmaster's chair. You have been my voice in the public arena where Stella is concerned, and I need say no more, only that we must never give up hope. She is a diamond in ABT's crown.

Happy New year to you Haglund, I've really enjoyed your blog and look forward to reading your future articles.

Roll on 2014


Frank, thanks much for reading H.H. and Happy New Year to you, too.


Thanks, Angelica, for "highlighting" the worst of 2013. I agree with you. 2014 is already slated to be worse than 2013 with the emetic casting of Whiteside and Isabella Boylston in Giselle while ABT's true Giselles and Albrechts sit out the year once again -- the main point being that we, the audience, will be denied the best that ABT has to offer while being offered riffraff as a substitute. It is hard to think of two dancers at ABT who are worse choices for the principal roles in Giselle. They'll look like Popeye and Olive Oyl and turn the greatest ballet ever made into a freakish cartoon. McKenzie may be hell-bent on shoving homely dancing down the audience's throat, but the collective regurgitation may hit him back in the face.

Happy New Year and I look forward to your posts in 2014. Kent

Thanks, Kent. Happy New Year to you, too. I look forward to seeing many more of your great photos in the coming year:



Love your posts! Happy New Year!!

Great photos, Kent! Thanks for sharing.

Happy New Year, J, and thanks for reading H.H.

Here's to a new year to be filled with more inspiring performances and deserving promotions (or at least deserving attentions). I have hope that this year ABT will have a mini revolt within its soloist ranks, we already saw some publicly speak up about unfairness of not even given chances to prove themselves. All due to Kevin's love of sloppy imports or in one disturbing case, a wannabe, s&m porn star.

Hopefully this is the year Julie Kent gracefully bows out (3 seasons too late), and lends her clout to support Sarah and Stella. Also hoping Macaulay actually goes to see performances he reviews instead of imagining weird stuff in his head. Also hoping he actually attains some semblance of taste instead of praising the likes of Osipova as greatest ballerina alive. Also hoping NYCB tones down some of its female soloists' tendencies for "jazz hands/ arms", I saw too much of that recently, or maybe it's just gotten too out of hand (pardon the pun) and I'm noticing it more.

Happy New Year, Genna. Your wishes are mine, too.

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