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March 25, 2014


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I agree completely with what you wrote about Sarah Lamb. When she did her initial soutenue followed by developpé a la seconde in the Rose Adagio and her leg was not grazing her right eyebrow, I sighed with relief. No mannerisms, no strain, ever. What a joy to see beautiful classical form and grace.

I also thought sarah lamb was exquisite - what a class act. Her roll thru the foot penche's in the rose adagio were to die for. Steven was fantastic as well - he's brilliant. And from what I've seen on video I actually prefer thiago when he plays a bad guy, tho he's fab either way :)

Oh, true, Robin, the rolling through the foot was gorgeous. I wish all Auroras would do that.

I forgot to mention what a great wake-up kiss the two principals delivered. He kissed her and then as he lifted his head back, her head rose up following right toward his face as though his energy was pulling her. It was so fabulous.

And yes, J, those extensions were lovely and never squished the tutu against her torso which was so lifted. All of it so pretty.

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