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April 02, 2014


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I find is so unusual that this is transpiring: Ferri is all warmth, emotion, and drama. Their styles clash so much and I hope she is a positive influence on him. I'm not sure she's into having her leg shoved up to her ear every three seconds, so it should force him to think substantially about new movement to incorporate with his choreography (and I say this as someone who likes Chroma, and bits of other stuff I've seen from him, while not being into the majority).

Hi K. I imagine that Ferri will do less of the usual McGregor recipe and more of the theatrical movement that we saw her do in Martha Clarke's "Cheri" last November/December. "Cheri," by the way, is going to play at the Kennedy Center for five performances in early October. Ferri and Virginia Woolf are a good match, but Ferri and McGregor - I'm not so sure.

Ferri & mcgregor baffles me somewhat as well tho I am admittedly very curios. I adore Alessandra to no end but so far mcgregor doesnt really do it for me I'm afraid. She is also performing in vail & in Sting's rainforest benefit. (With herman!) awesome.

I know what you're saying, Robin. According to the news report, he said, "'I want to make a nonlinear narrative, a collage of sensation, time, tone and emotion—new structural possibilities,' Mr. McGregor wrote in an email." It already sounds like a mess. His nonstop intellectualizing is no substitute for craft. But when he can plop big name dancers into his works, everyone will want to buy a ticket.

So true, as I'd watch alessandra dance pretty much anything.

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