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April 16, 2014


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Thank you, Haglund, for your vivid description of the Kennedy Center ABT performance. It was the next best thing to being there! I'm so glad to hear that Stella and Joe got to dance together, and that Stella, Sarah, and Joe were superb. I would love to see the same casting in New York. It seems unfair and mean-spirited to deprive the New York audience of these exquisite dancers.

As for Marco Spada, I've got to get back online and find out when it's screening at Lehman College. I think there's a date not far in the future, and from your review, it sounds like a don't miss.

What did Monsieur Lacotte say about NYCB ballerina? I too have tremendous respect for his endeavors, undertaking the kind of works as he has constitute as endeavors in full sense of the word. There are no choreographers today who are doing the work that he is doing. Though Russians like to complain about his choreography being so difficult and packed with the sort of technique they, meaning the Russians, are not great at. But thank God a choreographer exists today who pays attention to the same Ashtonian devotion to intricate steps done cleanly and with musical sensitivity. Wish Bolshoi would tour with this instead of the umpteenth Swan Lake or Giselle.

I didn't know ABT has a noisy shoes problem. I would think professional ballerinas at that high level would prepare their shoes differently for Romantic ballets where having clunky noise of pointe shoes hitting the stage spoil the mood. Maybe Hee Seo didn't have the time, who knows.

For those interested, Marco Spada is uploaded on balletoman website, where you can click on link to his VK site to watch a HD version of the taping. VK is Russian version of Facebook and you would have to sign up for it in order to watch his videos and also others on VK.



According to this link http://www.pathelive.com/uploads/documents/us-screenings-marco-spada.pdf, the screening of Marco Spada will be at Lehman on April 27th. It's well worth seeing. More than once while watching it, I thought the Bolshoi looked like the Paris Opera Ballet - the transformation and absorption of Lacotte's work was that complete.

Hi Genna.

Thanks much for that link to balletoman's VK site. I wonder if all of those videos are actual copies of the transmissions or whether they are bootleg tapes where someone sat in the back of the movie-house and recorded each transmission with a device.

Lacotte's remark that I alluded to was part of the 2009 movie La Danse: The Paris Opera Ballet. During a coaching session of Paquita or Nutcracker, Lacotte and another coach admonished the dancers about extensions that were too high, plies not being juicy enough, and heels that didn't stay down during plies. At one point, Lacotte quipped that Suzanne Farrell’s faults have become other dancers’ qualities. It was kind of a mean-spirited comment considering Suzanne had retired 20 years earlier, and of course, Lacotte knew that he was being filmed and recorded for what would eventually be an American audience. I think we're all over it now. I wish we could get his Paquita and his coaching at ABT.

Thanks for the review. Those toe shoes were just as loud during the rehearsal for The Dream.

As articulate as usual, thank you, Haglund.

Perhaps Seo is injured. She did not seem to be using her feet at all, hopping up to pointe. In contrast to Kent who at the end of the pdd, rolled down as if there was not a bone in her foot. I thought Kent looked very good. Of course, I could dance that part with Marcelo and he would make me look good.

Among the many pleasures of The Dream, Gomes is the only person I have ever see who makes that costume look butch.

Oh dear, Ken. I can imagine. The clomping fairies.

Hi dc.

Good to hear that The Dream went well. Yes, you could dress Marcelo in a paper bag and he would look good.

Dear Haglund,

Aside from a single prominent clam, I can't think of any other brass utterance worthy of disapprobation at Tuesday night's Sylphides. If that is indeed the sole offense, your comment on the orchestra is, in my view, hyperbolic--by that standard a person with a shaving cut has a mutilated face. But it's your opinion, you're entitled to it, and I sincerely regret that our performance in any way diminished your appreciation of the whole.

I must take issue, however, with what follows. That we might be wishing for more rehearsal time, in a week in which we are already working far more than any professional symphony orchestra would tolerate, is absurd. That one missed note indicates professional incompetence, equally so. But the insinuation that we might purposely err out of pique over a workplace grievance is offensive.


Peter de Boor, KCOHO Committee Chair


It is no secret that the Kennedy Center orchestra is awful....having attended many opera and ballet performances there . You just have to look in the orchestra pit during performances...musicians talking during a performance or reading magazines . Gee , I wish I could read my favorite magazine while at work. And do not forget , they are unionized...do you remember how it took NYCB to get rid of one of their musicians ?
And then there are mostly dullards in the audience...mainly civil servants , who could not tell a bad performance from a good one , since they fall asleep after a few minutes ( Fans who trek from NYC excepted !).
Who cares about Mr. de Boors` excuses for that lousy band !

Hi Friedrich.

I'm hoping for better next year, especially if ABT decides to trot its new Sleeping Beauty down to DC. I couldn't bear to hear them mess that up.

Angelica -- I believe the Marco Spada was done fairly recently but I saw a graduation class of the Bolshoi from 2007 doing Bach Fuge and I stopped dead in my scanning of Youtube thinking I was looking at the POB school -- This is with Igor Tsvirko who I absolutely adore and his line is long and stretched and pretty close to Mathieu Ganio (his technique is a bit better but then he is 10 yrs younger) -- I don't know what is happening at the Bolshoi but in spite of the "incident" it cannot be all bad.

Tsvirko was fabulous in Marco Spada. Most definitely, the company is dancing well.

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