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October 23, 2014


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Haglund, this would be really funny if it weren't so sad. Thank you for sparing us the time, trouble, and money to see this performance for ourselves. Your vivid writing always makes pictures in my mind. I laughed out loud when you described what did NOT happen vis-a-vis Whiteside's testicles!

Always glad to hear something good about Tom Forster ....

Hi J. Tom Forster was a true standout tonight in the men's pas de quatre in the new Raymonda Divertissements. He's too good to be wasting his time at ABT.

Ditto what angelica said! And good one, Haglund, about the "blond" role model, Paloma Herrera.

I am so sick of hearing about MC! I don't think I've seen a PR campaign like it- anywhere! I will probably actually puke when she becomes Principal.

If anyone should be a flagship soloist, it is Misty Copeland. The overall dishonesty of her self-promotion and the willingness of Kevin McKenzie to ride along is making a lot of people gag.

Sounds like a ghastly time was had by all who have good taste. Scarlett should stop taking inspirations from strip clubs. Once upon a time choreographic geniuses like Balanchine were inspired by art and literature, now not only are there no such geniuses, but they now strive for vulgarity and passing off vulgarity as groundbreaking. Feeling up a girl onstage is now a choreographic device? Why do ABT women go along with this type of borderline-sexual harassment disguised as art? Someone should speak up the way Tamara Rojo did as one of the main reasons she left Royal Ballet, that she felt its modern works were sexualizing and demeaning women.

Totally agree with you, Genna - but if you've ever looked at Copeland's presentation of herself online, you could conclude that she not only endorsed the cheap and offensive trash on stage, but may have been an instigator of it. She's no victim of anything – other than her own ego and dishonesty.

Yes Haglund, "role models" like Copeland cheapen the art. She is no better than other self-styled role models for impressionable girls and young women, Beyoncé, Nikki Minaj, and Miley Cyrus, who equate outward, overt sexuality with female empowerment. They are promoting self-debasing, exhibitionist sexuality as being the most important part of being girl/ woman. But they are trashy pop stars and in today's pop music scene they are doing what's expected to sell to lowest common denominators. Copeland's selling of herself in similar ways says a lot about her disrespect for ballet, making herself crass and cheapening the image of ballerina for undeserved fame. She really should quit ballet and take up twerking as one of Miley Cyrus's backup dancers in between her gig as an underwear model.

JKO student's aren't as good as Mariinsky or even NYCB students? Wow, where is all of that money they are getting going?

Good question. New York City Ballet's SAB is a completely separate entity with its own board of directors, financials, and oversight. ABT's JKO is just part of ABT; so, all of the money goes in the same pot. Donors might think that they are supporting the functioning of the school, but unless they restrict the use of their donations, ABT could use it for anything, including guest artists, if they wanted to.

Well, looks like things are being heavily mismanaged. I've noticed most of the Studio Company dancers aren't from JKO but other schools. It's a shame because JKO could be America's answer to schools like Mariinsky or POB. SAB/ NYCB aren't very good in the classics. Somewhere along the line, Balanchine's pupils whom have continued his legacy/ teach at SAB dropped the ball on things like port de bras...

The JKO school is headed/staffed with old friends of management with limited pedigrees. Croynism, I guess it's called.

Misogyny in ballet by the likes of Lar and Liam is really disgusting. And they get paid $$$$ for disrespecting women using women. Thanks for telling us what you see on stage and what you think about it.

Re Copeland, the "willingness of Kevin McKenzie"! Amen. Trying to save a sinking ship? Gag.

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