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October 29, 2014


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Haglund, do you have any idea why it could be that the Jan 18 Cinderella has one female principal and one male principal listed but the Jan 17 Cinderella has two female principals listed? Is Kondaurova the Fairy Godmother perhaps?

I believe you're correct, CMM.

As we know with the Mariinsky, casting is announced with a definite casualness toward accuracy. We haven't heard anything about Shapran or Xander Parrish or Skorik -- three who could easily be on the tour, too.

Well, based on what one knows at this moment, what/whom must one see? If only one Swan Lake, which cast? If only one Cinderella, which cast?

Kenneth, my choices would be Lopatkina and Pavlenko. Both are true Mariinsky ballerinas who are late in their careers. You're not likely to ever get another chance to see Lopatkina in Swan Lake or Pavlenko in anything. Tereshkina and Kondaurova as Odette/Odile are wonderful, too. I've heard that the younger Somova is improving nicely and has eliminated much of the Western influence that marred her early dancing at the Mariinsky.

I would be very interested in reading your comments on the recently updated casting, Haglund, when you get a chance to comment. I am particularly interested in what you have to say about Yevgeny Ivanchenko (dancing in Swan Lake with Ulyana Lopatkina) and Anastasia Matvienko and Alexander Sergeyev (dancing in Cinderella with Daria Pavlenko). Thanks!

Thanks for the heads-up about the changes. We have been conditioned to expected them, of course, this being the Mariinsky.

I had read that Danila Korsuntsev had been dealing with an injury for quite some time; so, while this is a disappointment, I can accept it. Ivanchenko has a broad range of quality in his performances. Let's hope that he's enthused about dancing here. He's very old-school in his acting, which I can appreciate very much although it sometimes isn't as stirring as I might wish.

Alina Somova is off the tour. Oxana Skorik and Xander Parish added to the TBA Swan Lake. And so it goes. Skorik in Chopianna might be okay since there is no opportunity for excessive extensions - knock on wood. I am curious about Xander Parish's Siegfried.

I'm glad that the Matvienkos are making the tour. Basically, I don't care who Pavlenko and Lopatkina dance with because I won't be taking my eyes off of them for a second.

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