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November 27, 2014


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I saw Roddy Doble in Swan Lake Pas de Trois recently and after viewing 3 performances of Swan Lake with Boston Ballet. IMO his was the best performance put in by any of the men. I would have liked to see him as the prince or Von Rothbart. Perhaps he is getting looked over a bit in Boston as well. It is past time for him to move up from second soloist!

It's great to hear how well Roddy is doing. I don't think that he's being over-looked in Boston. He joined in 2013 and got his first promotion in 2014. It's still 2014. We'll have to wait and see what 2015 brings - maybe Theme and Variations. Wouldn't that be something!

Hi Haglund!!!

Exciting news! According to Houston Ballet's instagram (http://instagram.com/p/v-Eq9tFJPI/) , Yuriko Kajiya was promoted to principal tonight :)

My apologies, the link should be here. http://instagram.com/p/v-Eq9tFJPI/

Thanks, "g" ! Terrific news.

I like Peter Walker :-)

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