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January 27, 2015


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Hi Haglund, great review and wonderful to hear such praise for beautiful Yana Selina, she is such a gem! It was actually Xenia Ostreikovskaya who danced the prelude on the first night- Oxana Marchuk was one of the two dancers leading the corps.

Thanks much, Katie, for the correction.

Actually, Haglund's the program didn't list the second soloist so on Saturday night the prelude variation was danced by Xenia Ostreikovskaya (also blond, like Marchuk). On Sunday it was danced by the gorgeous Viktoria Brileva was looks to be the reincarnation of Vaganova ballerinas of yesteryear. Marchuk and Anna Lavrinenko were the lead corps girls in the center of the circles. I got confirmation about Xenia in a tweet from the Mariinsky.

I would like to add that we sat quite close on Sunday (row J orchestra). Askerov never full straightens his knees or legs so he never has a nice line. He also does not seem to be a particularly good partner and his solo dancing is bland. There are so many other good dancers in the Mariinsky but Fateyev highlights the bad ones. I don't get it?

Thanks much, Lisa, for getting the clarification from the Mariinsky. I misidentified the Prelude as being danced by Marchuk because of the blond hair and, as you pointed out, the absence of Xenia O.'s name in the program.

I noticed Askerov's mushy lines from the Mezzanine and it seemed like it would have taken so little effort to make them more clear. Surely, Askerov's height and sturdy build were bigger factors in his hiring than the quality of his dancing. Comparing him to Sergeyev, Yermakov, and Ivanchenko really underscores the value of a Vaganova education. I don't think that it's something that a dancer can just "pick up" after he has been trained elsewhere - as both he and Skorik illustrate so well.

Agree that Viktoria Brileva is totally gorgeous- such a stylish, elegant dancer and great actress!

Sergeyev would be perfect as the poet in Chopiniana- he is very suited to such romantic roles. Askerov is really being pushed by management. He has decent technique but doesn't have the right style or good line. He also is not strong in partnering- made Kondaurova stumble in 3d Swan Lake and sounds like he almost dropped her at BAM :/

Actually,I saw Kondaurova at the Kennedy Center 3 times (either in The Swan or Paquita). Each time she danced Paquita she fell off pointe, her partners were different each time, so it's her problem. I heard she had surgery on either her foot or ankle and it's clearly still weak. Either she needs more rehab or to simply stay off it but it's not her partners' fault.

Thanks, Lisa. Let's hope Kondaurova didn't re-injure herself during her very heavy performance schedule during this tour.

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