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February 16, 2015


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So I see, this customization is allowing Vishneva to dance Aurora, a role she has not danced in years. Also it will allow Hee Seo to try her hand at this most classically demanding role in the ballerina repertory. Finally the customization will give leeway for Osipova to dance Aurora as unrefined Kitri with questionable classical ballet placement. Now it's making sense.

Hi Genna. Yes, customization means mostly to hide one's weaknesses.

It will be interesting to see how much Vishneva incorporates the stylistic demands of this reconstruction. This will be Seo's second try at Aurora and second attempt at completing the Rose Adagio balances without falling off pointe. I expect that Ratmansky will be able to get a more technically respectable performance out of her than McKenzie ever did. With regard to Osipova - oy – she has bailed out of Sleeping Beauty performances at ABT, Mikhailovsky and the Royal Ballet. What we saw of her in it at the Met confirmed the Bolshoi's good taste and good sense not to let her dance it. Casting her and her dirty shoes in it (instead of a deserving ABT dancer) amounts to pandering to the media and to the most ignorant/casual segment of the ballet audience. She's missing all of the communal prep work that ABT is doing on the production right now which means extra time and money will have to be spent to bring her up to speed for her one performance at the Met.

How fun. Customization! That's novel.
I will be there on Sunday Matinee (Hee Seo). Can't wait to see if she pulls off the promenades! In my day, all (well, most of) our ballerinas performed the Rose Adagio beautifully! (McKerrow, Dunham, Jaffe)

All wonderful Auroras, but let us not forget the great one – Cynthia Gregory:


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8uwPk8qml8 (this becomes more clear as it progresses)

Oh, yes - Gregory! What balances!

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