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March 05, 2015


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waiting for your review! :P

Hi M&M. Will probably get it posted today. Had a nightmare of a journey back home.

Hi Haglund. Sorry to hear about the problems on your way back home. I want to thank you for your great review of the opening night performance and can't wait to read more.

I couldn't make it to Costa Mesa and now have to decide whether a trip to NYC would be worthwhile. Although I am in a ABT boycotting mood for getting overboard with all these guest artists but your reviews might prompt me to make an exception this summer.

Hi, Dreamer.

You should definitely make the trip, but hold off a while deciding which cast to see. There may be changes, because of the TBA that just appeared under Herrera's name. Hopefully, Hammoudi will get his well-deserved chance in NYC. He has certainly earned it.

Haglund, do you have any insight as to the reason for the appearance of that TBA? I've been wondering about that....

Hi CMM. I have no information, but with Hallberg out, they seem to have shifted Bolle to other positions. My hope is that Hammoudi is given one of Gillian's Sleeping Beauties and Marcelo gives Paloma the fitting farewell that she certainly deserves. But ABT rarely does the right thing. They've got too long a list of mediocre, has-been, and worthless guest artists to bring in.

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