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April 30, 2015


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Despite attending ballet performances for decades, I humbly admit that Wednesday night was my first Apollo, and for me, Adrian Danchig-Waring absolutely blew it out of the ball park. I agree that he was astonishing, and that the shapes he made were gorgeous and awe-inspiring. Despite a dislike of Stravinsky's music (which reminds me of the possibly apocryphal final exam given in a Columbia University literature class many years ago: "Q.1: Which of the works that we read this year did you like the least? Q.2: To what deficiency in yourself do you attribute that?), I loved the entire evening, although Duo Concertant didn't hold my interest except when Ashley Bouder was dancing. I'm thinking I ought to get to know the NYCB dancers and ballets better, but with all the "A" names: Apollo, Agon, Ashly, Ana, Abi, Adrian, Amar, Ashley, Andrew, Anthony, 2 Angles, and so on, it's going to take me awhile to get it all sorted out. In the meantime, the very presence of Maria Kowroski in ANYTHING is enough nourishment to sustain me for a long time.

I totally agree about Maria. She is starting the season with an unusual intensity.

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