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April 20, 2015


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That first developpe a la seconde and promenade in arabesque sent me into rapture.

Me, too, Angelica. She is and always has been the real deal.

She is exquisite in that clip - and always.

i think ABT(or KM) just let her dance a very short portion of Giselle just to tease( or for spite) all of SA admirers. Not a classy action at all.

Even with the tenuous camerawork I still got the chills watching this clip. What a gorgeous dancer. Doesn't the AD realize that people will pay real money to see her dance this role?

This is perfection to the core. Next time Stella dances Giselle I'll fly in no matter how remote that place might be. I hope my saying this doesn't jinx the possibility of her getting this role at ABT.

J, Jose, Laurel, and Dreamer - thanks much for the comments. I understand that someone forwarded the video link to Yuri Fateev.

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