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May 22, 2015


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The NYP wrote, "Lots of guests left before the second intermission." There was only one intermission on Monday. So much for the NYP's credibility, although I must agree with the basic concept that KM must go. On to happier topics:

IT'S STELLA DAY!!! I'm on my way to Union Station NOW to get on my Megabus!!! STELLA OR BUST!!!

Yep, it's already a beautiful day.

I'm crossing the plaza tonight to see Stella's debut. I can't wait! As you know, I'm not a devotee of ABT's (too many guest stars etc.), but I had the pleasure of seeing Stella dance with Daniel Ulbricht's summer troupe, a few years ago, and was just wowed by her! I know a lot of fellow NYCB folks who are taking the night off from the NY State to be there to support gorgeous Stella.

Oh, Deb, we so remember your reports from Santa Fe:

They renewed our hopes of one day seeing this Giselle on the Met stage, as did the reports from her performances in the Philippines and in Sydney.

Another NYPost inaccuracy: Gala was Monday.

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