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July 18, 2015


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"There is no brochure to speak of, but the cardboard flyer has a picture of handsome Herman Cornejo in Le Spectre de la Rose. Of course, we know that doesn't mean that he will actually dance the role this season, but that's what ABT wants you to think. "

Oh, I think he will dance it. But only with Kochetkova. I have a feeling Cornejo won't be able to make a move now without the ballerina of two companies tied to his feet.

I'm really interested in Monotones but I won't purchase a ticket until I know casting. Funny, I never worry about who is dancing when I purchase NYCB tickets.

The picture of Herman on the cardboard flyer looks to me like a much younger Herman.

True, Angelica. The picture is from more than a decade ago, but the memory of the performance with Herman and Xiomara Reyes still burns bright. It was 10 minutes where art rose so high above technique that you thought you had passed to another plane after life.

Am I imagining that I saw Herman dance Spectre with Maria Ricetto at City Center those 10 long years ago? It was truly breathtaking, and made me blush just a bit!! I weep at the beauty of it, still.

Emily, yes Maria also danced it with Herman. Then the next spring at the Met, she repeated with Carlos Acosta. Somehow I missed seeing her in this role - darn it.

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