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August 12, 2015


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Thanks so much, Haglund, for posting this NBCNews interview with our beloved Stella.

And by the way, what is this new trend of wearing one's tights over one's leotard about, do you think?

Hi Angelica. The earliest that I can remember seeing the pink tights over top the leotard was in the 1970s. It followed that ever-lovely '60s trend of cutting the feet and crotch out of pink tights and pulling them over one's head as a sweater. What in the world got into those dancers' heads in the '60s and '70s 😎 ??

Thanks Haglund for the link on our beloved Stella. She is appreciative of everything she's worked so hard to earn. My dream is to see her dance a full length ballet!

I had to laugh about your response to Angelica about converting old tights to a pullover. They did that at my ballet school in the '70s. Must have taken the trend a little longer to get to Chicago.

I'll have to try that with my tights, Haglund. I missed that sixties trend and could use a new sweater. Stretchy sounds good.

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